• +43 681 840 156 40
  • info@doctorate-ps.eu
  • Campus 2, 7000 Eisenstadt, Austria
Image for Educational and Communication Sciences

International Cooperative Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in


In cooperation with esteemed universities



Academic Degree PhD in
Educational & Communication



Part-time study



Duration 3 years up to 6 years



Tuition fees are defined
by the Consortium



Programme Language

The joint PhD  programmes as interdisciplinary cross-border, international science- and research-oriented doctoral programmes are innovative in terms of structure  and organisation, comparable to the best cross border PhD programmes within the EU.

Our partner universities are highly esteemed , highly respected and renowned foreign universities with accreditation from both national and international bodies, authorised to confer doctoral and postgraduate degrees as well as post-doctoral qualifications.

Both doctoral programmes consider the needs of small cohorts of doctorate students with solid foundational knowledge across a range of specialisations, and facilitate strong collaboration between students and supervisors in their respective, broadly-based subject areas at international universities. PhD candidates can work with supervisors in their particular fields of expertise at the different partner universities and develop thorough fundamental  knowledge in a number of specialisations.

The joint PhD programmes address candidates in qualified professional positions, preferably y with backgrounds in business management or economics / in the educational or communication field who wish to obtain a doctoral degree based on advanced applied research. Candidates for the International Joint Cross-Border PhD Programmes may apply if they:


  • – hold a Diploma or Master’s degree (5 years) or equivalent degree issued by an officially accredited university or institution of higher education
  • – submit all required application documents, including a statement of personal motivation and a description of the intended research focus
  • – attain at least a C1 level of English proficiency
  • – successfully pass the admission process.

Both joint doctoral programmes were submitted to the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ) in accordance with § 27 para. 1 and are notified by the AQ Austria in accordance with § 27 para. 6 HS-QSG. The registration of the programme in accordance with § 27 para. 6 HS-QSG does not ascertain equivalence with Austrian study programmes and similar Austrian academic degrees.

After the successful completion of all academic requirements, doctoral students are awarded the internationally recognised highest academic degree  PhD on behalf of all partner universities within the Consortium. Graduates awarded an academic degree are entitled to use it in accordance with § 88 para. 1 of the 2002 law governing universities. The academic degrees, jointly awarded by the participating universities are therefore recognised foreign degrees in Austria and may be used in official documents in accordance with § 88 para. 1a of the 2002 law governing universities.

Application and Admission Process